Saturday, January 7, 2012

Who is the Best Resident and/or ex-Resident of Stratford, Ontario?

I don't know how to decide. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Who do you think is the best resident and/or ex-resident of Stratford, Ontario?
Why do you think they deserve the honour?
Am I just looking for excuses to mention Justin Bieber in a desperate attempt to drive traffic to my blog?
Sound off in the comments.


  1. I'm going with Feore, as he is awesome incarnate, but to further the cause of traffic creation I'm going to have to say:

    Justin Bieber
    Justin Bieber car
    Justin Bieber crib
    Justin Bieber Hairstyle
    Justin Bieber sneakers
    Justin Bieber scandal
    Justin Bieber girlfriend
    Justin Bieber sexuality rumour

    1. Ooh... Justin Bieber scandal? GOOD CALL!!! That guarantees me at least another 14 hits... Thanks!!
