And while said fans complain about the state of their beloved team, the city of Toronto, and the rest of the world complain about TFC fans.
TFC fans have quickly earned the reputation of bringing British-style hooliganism to the colonies. It seems like every Torontonian in the vicinity of BMO field has heard stories of various bars banning soccer fans on game day and/or refusing service to anyone wearing a TFC uniform because of their rowdy reputation.
Since the team's inception, people have been complaining about TFC fans' disgraceful behaviour at home, embarassing exploits abroad, and just plain ugliness wherever this guy saw them.
I've made a habit of staying away from TFC games: partly because I enjoy my football played by actual professionals who take pride in their game and public image, and partly because this is the first year TFC tickets haven't been exhorbinant;y expensive for absolutely no reason (I dunno... maybe TFC fans wouldn't be such angry drunks if they had a good team to support?).
So when I was handed tickets to the September 17th match against the Colorado Rapids, I decided to take this opportunity to investigate the question everyone is asking:
Do TFC fans really get as drunk as everyone thinks they do?
Shortly after kick off, and the crowd is boisterous but no more so than any other local sporting event. So far I notice nothing out of the ordinary. |